Monday, December 21, 2020

Update on Censorship.

I am unable to update copyright protection at this blog today. It is my intention that all posts remain copyright protected and available on the Internet during my lifetime. No response to my communications from U.S. officials has been received by me. I will continue to pursue the truth in my matters. No explicit rejection of my claims has been made by anyone that I know of nor have I been offered an opportunity to respond to (or challenge) whatever claims continue to be made by N.J.'s OAE, DRB, AG (or anyone else) about me including fictitious so-called "background reports." I have also not been told to refrain from communicating with the authorities which is bizarre. U.S. Supreme Court justices and federal prosecutors are usually very good at making it clear when they are not interested in something or someone. It is impossible for me to post or publish new essays under these conditions. In fact I am unable to write philosophical or literary essays at all. I will do my best to continue writing on some topics, somehow and somewhere, even if it cannot be online or the writings cannot be published under my name in America. I am sure that the computer crimes committed by Mr. McGill (or his friends) that are preventing me from writing at blogger could be corrected by Google (or blogger) in seconds if they wished to do so. It may be that Google/blogger has -- or continue to have -- no choice about the current situation or are intimidated by "someone." I will disregard slanders posted online, allegedly, by Trenton's "anonymous" attorneys or so-called "courts." There are no photos of me on the Internet. I am not on Facebook or Twitter. I have never been charged with a crime. I have never been arrested for any alleged offense. My legal ethics was challenged in N.J. by persons threatened (or paid) to lie under oath by individuals associated with the OAE which is something that agency and N.J. no longer denies (or lies about) even if the OAE is still covering-up or "stonewalling" concerning my matters. It is only when persons lie and commit crimes that they try to cover up their actions and failures especially if they happen to be lawyers in Trenton. It is beyond my comprehension that OAE lawyers in New Jersey call themselves "ethical" persons while remaining hypocrites who are false to their oaths as attorneys betraying the same laws that they are required to uphold perhaps in exchange for a bribe of some kind such as a state court judgeship. Psychological protocols calling for "ignoring" the complaints of victims of abuse, or of those subjected to criminal violations of human rights including torture, are designed to produce a state of apathy or "learned helplessness" in the victim(s). The goal is for the complainant to "go away." I doubt that such tactics will be effective with me. I continue to receive invitations to serve on federal juries -- usually several times per year in fact -- despite New Jersey's accusation that I am not "inclusive." During my time of non-writing at this blog I have sent packages of information and evidence to the U.S. Attorney General and U.S. Supreme Court. Neither my communications (nor those of others) concerning these matters have received the decency of a response, denial, or any sort of rejection from any U.S. official or police officer -- nor from the courts -- as of the date of my review of this text in 2024. Surely it is not too much to expect lawyers and judges to return the phone calls of citizens or to respond somehow -- preferably truthfully -- to urgent messages or communications bearing on public safety in accordance with the law. Thefts and threats, mysterious disruptions of my phone service, or destruction of my property will not alter my actions or opinions. I can only hope that Marilyn Straus is well and still safe from Lourdes Santiago and her "multi-gendered" friends including Senator Menendez's former law partner Lilian Munoz and/or Estela De La Cruz let alone the likes of Nydia Hernandez or Maureen Manteneo and Mary Anne Kriko. Silence and suppression of my controversial speech is unexplained and it is illegal as is the continuing public content-based censorship and threats to my welfare and/or the safety of my family members that I have experienced. Silencing me amounts to admitting the truth of my criticisms, of course, as well as N.J.'s inability to respond to my arguments. The same is true when, allegedly, John McGill posts outdated and now discredited findings of corrupt Trenton agencies headed by croneys of indicted and sanctioned politicians such as Mr. Menendez or Joe Ferreiro. I wonder whether Justice Neil Gorsuch is sincere or accurate in his recent and very interesting book when he claims that, in the U.S., the Constitution does not allow ANY person to be relegated to silence and ignored by governmental institutions -- nor by the courts -- much less by the police or Manhattan's District Attorney? Justice Gorsuch states that every human being is entitled to a "good faith and timely" response from government agencies to all inquiries concerning matters of vital importance to him or her touching on fundamental rights or the protections afforded by laws (including free speech guarantees) so that everyone may expect that: " ... judges should seek to act by neutral principles; that persons deserve to know in advance the laws that govern them. And that everyone -- whether it's today's hero or tomorrow's villain -- deserves the protection of the written law." A Republic if You Can Keep It, p. 144. (No exception is listed for cover-ups in New Jersey or New York by lying attorneys from Trenton's OAE stepping out of state to target a victim in Manhattan.) October 5, 2021 at 3:12 P.M. Packages containing a copy of the foregoing comment with evidence of N.J.'s computer crimes and censorship aimed against these writings have been sent to the following recipients by priority mail with tracking numbers listed. Not everyone will receive exactly the same items making it difficult (I hope) for N.J. officials to continue lying about these matters if they respond at all to my communications: U.S. Supreme Court Justices Neil M. Gorsuch and Amy Coney Barrett, tracking number #9505 5146 2835 1278 1599 96 (delivery 10-8-21); Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General, tracking number #9505 5146 2835 1278 1600 08 (delivery 10-6-21); Cuban Embassy to the U.S., tracking number #9505 5146 2835 1278 1600 22 (delivery 10-8-21); N.J. Chief Justice Stuart Rabner and his tribunal's Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE), tracking number #9505 5146 2835 1278 1600 39 (delivery 10-6-21); The New York Times, tracking number #9505 5146 2835 1278 1600 46 (delivery 10-6-21). October 8, 2021: Once again I am in receipt of a jury summons from the New York District Court which is a gratifying affirmation of my "good character" to serve as a juror that will upset N.J.'s OAE -- even if that agency ARRANGED for for this latest juror "experience" given the now evident non-finality of its alleged "final decision" -- and I will, therefore, return the jury form by priority mail, retaining my proofs, so as to appear at the appropriate time on November 5, 2021 at the Constance Baker Motley Assembly Room, RM 160, 500 Pearl Street, New York, N.Y. 10277-1697. Copies of this completed form may also be sent to U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain and U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts with the aim of ensuring that I will not, inaccurately, be accused of failing to respond to this jury notice "in a timely fashion" as required by law. Despite the frightening silence of government in violation of the law I will always do my best to comply with all of my legal obligations. Everyone I know is pleased to learn that Trenton officials continue to post "anonymous" (if inaccurate) items about me in 2021 even as they struggle to avoid facing me. As a prospective juror I was required to complete a voluminous questionaire providing information that is to be kept "confidential" by the U.S. Ditrict Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY). In the event that N.J. (or other officials) seek to obtain this questionaire -- as a useful source of free discovery perhaps -- it should be noted that my answers were brief "yes" or "no" responses establishing my good faith as a juror. All pages attached to this questionaire for extra comments were left blank by me. Any calls from state or federal government agencies concerning matters where my answers are legally required will be answered in a similar minimalist fashion and always with a polite smile. An envelope that was correctly addressed to Chief Justice Roberts was returned to me undelivered because, allegedly, the post office could not "locate" the United States Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. I will mail the contents of this envelope to Chief Justice Roberts, again, with a copy of the same envelope indicating that his office could "not be found." Copies of that curiously stamped envelope will also be sent to the U.S. Attorney and Cuban Embassy so that any persons observing this situation in Cuba as well as other countries may draw their own conclusions concerning the United States of America's commitment to freedom of speech and transparency or "due process" of law in the legal system as well as respect for human rights and legal ethics to say nothing of the efficiency of the U.S. Post Office. My jury service at the District Court for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) officially ended November 29, 2021. I am informed that the minimum fee for federal jury service is $100. December 10, 2021 a package containing the returned envelope was sent by express overnight mail to Chief Justice John Roberts at the U.S. Supreme Court with the hope (if not the certainty) that postal workers will "locate" the building in which his chambers may be found under tracking number # EI 211883112US; a package was also sent by priority mail to Merrick Garland, Esq., U.S. Attorney General at the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office (SDNY) tracking number # 9505 5121 7078 1344 3779 33; another parcel was sent to the Cuban Embassy -- or the "Embassy of Cuba to the U.S." -- in Washington, D.C. tracking number # 9505 5121 7078 1344 3779 26. If I ever receive a response from any U.S. official (or our "free" media) to my communications over the past 24 years or more -- to say nothing of requests for the truth by others as well as hundreds of online posts dealing with my "N.J. issues" -- I will certainly make that response public to the extent that I can. As of March 2023 there is no response of any kind from any American official or judge, police officer or prosecutor, journalist or university teacher (including law professors who wish to answer me) for some mysterious and unexplained reason despite the provisions of the U.S. Constitution and requirements of legal ethics. October 11, 2023 at 2:53 P.M. A package containing proof of computer crimes resulting in violations of Google/blogger intellectual property rights as well as criminal censorship disregarding my freedom of speech and copyright protections will be sent to Gogle C.E.O. Mr. Sunder Pichai, Google Corporate Headquarters, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA, 94043, USA, tel. (605) 253-0000. The international audience for this blog will have the opportunity to judge Google's commitment to freedom of expression online and independence from US government agencies and law enforcement (including the NSA). A copy of this proof of mailing to Google will then be mailed to the Cuban Embassy to the U.S. with further proof of these mailings to be posted here. October 27, 2023 at 2:55 P.M. It is impossible to witness the events in Gaza while remaining silent even for someone subjected to censorship with several home computers mysteriously destroyed who is ignored by U.S. authorities. No one condones or denies the horror of the terrors inflicted on Israelis on October 7, 2023. The UN General Secretary points out that the Hamas attacks arise from a "context" of occupation and oppression that includes the murder of Palestinian children nearly on a daily basis over a period of decades. Nevertheless there is nothing that justifies the killing of innocent civilians anywhere or by anyone. This includes the murder of innocent Palestinian civilians taking place before our eyes in Gaza and the West Bank. To remain silent about this atrocity is to be complicit in the crime. As I write these words more than 7,000 persons have been killed (2,300 of them are children); more than 10,000 have been seriously wounded and cannot now receive adequate medical attention even as over 1,000 more, who could be saved, are dying slowly because they are buried in rubble and cannot be reached by rescuers. Most of these additional victims are also children. Hospital patients and the elderly will die quickly from this point on because fuel is not replaced, food and water are cut off and becoming scarce, while communications are blocked, so that an entire population (like me) is relegated to silence and can be ignored by U.S. authorities and world opinion without undue stress or guilt felt by those comfortable persons doing and saying nothing to stop this evil. Israeli "military actions" in Gaza are best described as "collective punishment" in violation of international law and fundamental human rights conventions accepted by all of the civilized world. U.S. complicity in what has been called "state terrorism" by Israel is shameful and will make peace as well as cooperation between regional powers difficult for many years to come. No decent human being should remain silent concerning crimes against humanity such as genocide or be intimidated by governments from protesting on behalf of victims denied a voice or any human respect and recognition. These crimes are not worthy of the Jewish state. November 6, 2023 at 1:36 P.M. packages were sent by priority mail to Mr. Sundar Pichai, Google C.E.O. tracking number #9505 5121 7079 3310 5097 29 and the Cuban Embassy to the U.S. in Washington, D.C. tracking number #9505 5121 7079 3310 5097 05. Delivery of both of these packages is expected on November 8, 2023 before 5:00 P.M. The UN once again called for an end to the embargo against Cuba by a nearly unanimous vote. Only Israel and the U.S. were in favor of the embargo. The only appropriate response to the events in Gaza is an immediate cease fire, massive humanitarian aid, and some international security for the Palestinians until a two-State or dual-sovereignty solution to the crisis can be found. I am astounded to discover that, like the Palestinian people, I am ignored by U.S. legal institutions and officials, media as well as lawyers, judges, police and politicians fail to respond to my communications and those of others concerning the matters discussed in these blogs even when required to "answer in good faith" by statutes or the Constitution. To be relegated to silence is for persons and their rights to be consigned to the category of the sub-human or non-existent or death. I continue to find all such denials of legal recognition not only for myself, but also for millions of Palestinians along with other persons (like the Cubans) unethical, even criminal or evil. "If one Palestinian person survives," a Gaza resident explained, "resistance to injustice will continue." For as long as I live I will continue to demand the truth about my life from New Jersey's Supreme Court and OAE. Tragically, it is now subject to doubt whether anyone will survive in Gaza or the West Bank given the obvious genocidal crimes committed against the Palestinian people. The ongoing murders of journalists seeking to tell the truth about Palestine is part of an attempt to deny an entire people a voice to comment on their struggle against destruction. I am subjected to censorship for similar reasons. Medical professionals, intellectuals, UN workers and others (some of whom are not Palestinians) are also targeted in an effort (I believe) to make Gaza unlivable when the guns are silent. It has become difficult sometimes for me even to reach these blogs from public computers in order to post a sentence or two on any subject. This computer crime is clearly part of the continuing effort to deny me a voice about my life and experiences, as I continue to insist, in New Jersey's legal system. Every word I type is costly or an ordeal. Nevertheless the stakes are so high -- this is about your Constitutional rights as well as mine -- that I will continue to struggle to speak freely about these matters for as long as I am able to do so. The horrors in Gaza have surpassed my worst fears in 2024 even as the hypocrisy and lie that is N.J.'s legal system concerning my life and experiences as an attorney victimized by a corrupt ethics process is an international example of what should never happen to any lawyer in a democratic society. I am grateful to persons from many parts of the world expressing support for my efforts to obtain the truth and a modicum of justice while struggling against censorship and slanders. If it is true that my dilemma and battle have been linked to Julian Assange's struggle for freedom and justice then I consider the association a compliment to me. There continues to be a mysterious silence from U.S. authorities and media concerning my "case." The trial date in the Nadine Menendez federal matter has been adjourned until June, 2024. A status conference will then be held to evaluate the "mysterious" illness of Mrs. Menendez and whether the trial against her can (or will) proceed. Also, if there will be such a trial at all, it will have to be determined when or where the proceedings can take place given the possible future status of Mr. Menendez and the witnesses in the matter. The N.J. re-investigation of the lethal collision of Mrs. Menendez's previously "gifted" Mercedes vehicle with an unfortunate and now dead pedestrian seems to have disappeared from the N.J. Attorney General's office. It is my understanding that May 6, 2024 continues to be the trial date for Mr. Menendez. This development amounts to a tacit achievement of the postponement and severance sought in the denied Menendez pre-trial motions where the acceptance of the adjournment now extracted from the D.O.J. came from the top (Mr. Garland?) and not from the trial prosecutors in the Southern District of Manhattan (S.D.N.Y.). Will the U.S. Attorney once again simply "drop" the prosecution of Mr. Menendez at some future point without explanation? As for myself I continue to receive no response to my communications (strangely enough) from U.S. officials, media, academics, and interest groups -- including PEN and Google/blogger -- and neither do others who have sought answers in connection with my situation. I am hoping, however, to receive another threatening letter from the OAE or John McGill or, perhaps, to be invited yet again to serve on a state or federal jury. In April, 2024 protests at Columbia University and other schools throughout the country have led to outrageous arrests and reprisals against some of the finest young people in America who are merely expressing honest opinions about the world in which they will live their lives: "... the U.S. is sending 2,000 pound bombs to Israel to drop on defenseless Gazans. Already close to 35,000 [Palestinians] have been killed. Some 80 percent of Gaza's buildings, homes, hospitals, and infrastructure partially or totally destroyed. Starvation is looming for hundreds of thousands [of people.]" Criticism of genocide in Gaza is not anti-semitism; it is sanity. Many American Jews have also expressed humanitarian concerns about the horrific events in Gaza and the West Bank post-October 7, 2023. Stop silencing pro-Palestinian voices. N.J. please stop lying and covering-up the truth about my life; end the double standards and hypocrisy; admit the crimes committed against so many of us; apologize and make amends while it still matters. Visit: Revolution Books, 437 Malcolm X Blvd., 132 St., Harlem, N.Y., N.Y. The trial date in Senator Meendez's criminal prosecution for bribery, obstruction of justice, abuse of official authority and serving as an agent of a foreign country without registering as such has been postponed until May 13, 2024. Adjournments on the eve of trial are rare in the federal court system. Perhaps there will be other surprises in these proceedings. A cyberattack against my home devices has destroyed a television cable box, again, and I will do my best to cope with these developments.