40 Persons Arrested in N.J.'s Latest Massive Child Porn Scandal.
November 18, 2016 at 1:49 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent by First Class International (FCI) mail to the following recipient:
Amnesty International
1 Easton Street
London, UK 44 20 7413 5500
From U.S. Post Office
90 Vermilyea Ave.
New York, N.Y. 10034-9998.
Bill # 840-51000050-2-1426656-2.
Clerk: 08.
November 9, 2016 at 2:11 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent to the following recipient by certified mail:
William B. Ziff, Esq.
Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE)
The Supreme Court of New Jersey
P.O. Box 963
Trenton, N.J. 08625
Cert. Mail No. & Tracking No.: 7015 0640 0002 8365 1596.
November 9, 2016 at 2:13 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent to the following recipient by priority mail:
Gov. Christopher Christie
Office of the Governor of New Jersey
P.O. Box 001
Trenton, N.J. 08625
Tel. (609) 292-6000
Tracking No.: 9505 5121 7077 6314 0318 09.
Perhaps no one will tell Mr. Christie about this communication.
November 9, 2016 at 2:15 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent to the following recipient by priority mail:
Senator Robert Menendez
Office of the Honorable Robert Menendez
1 Gateway Center
#1100 Newark, N.J. 07102.
Tracking No.: 9505 5121 7077 6314 0318 16.
Is it true that the postage meter number appearing on what purports to be Mr. Ziff's letter is actually one belonging to the office of Senator Menendez? If so, I wonder how such a thing is possible?
November 4, 2016 at 2:04 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent to the following recipients by priority mail:
Chief Justice Stuart Rabner
New Jersey Supreme Court
P.O. Box 963
Trenton, New Jersey 08625
USPS Tracking No.: #9595 5121 7077 6309 0308 31.
Mr. Tom Moran
Editorial Page Editor
The Star-Ledger
Suite 1100
Newark, New Jersey 07102-5323
USPS Tracking No.: #9505 5121 7077 6309 0308 24.
November 2, 2016 at 12:54 P.M. A package containing 57 pages was sent to the following recipients by priority mail:
Preet Bharara, Esq.
U.S. Attorney For the Southern District of New York
1 St. Andrew's Place
New York, N.Y. 10007
USPS Tracking No. #9505 5121 7078 6307 0243 43.
The Embassy of Cuba to the
United States of America
2630 16th Street
Washington, D.C. 20009
USPS Tracking No. #9505 5121 7078 6307 0243 50.
October 24, 2016
William B. Ziff, Esq.
Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE)
Supreme Court of New Jersey
P.O. Box 963
Trenton, N.J. 08625
Tel. (609) 530-4008
Fax (609) 530-5238
Dear Mr. Ziff:
This shall serve to acknowledge your correspondence and return of my previous communication to your office with your letter dated October 19, 2016.
A copy of your most recent letter with my response and also with a copy of the envelope in which your "missive" arrived as well as my most recent online essay with attachments will be forwarded to the recipients indicated below.
I am returning your grievance form and the very interesting information brochure.
I regret that I cannot pursue a grievance against your office by bringing what is essentially a complaint before the same office that I struggle against.
The Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE) in New Jersey is not and cannot be impartial in any matters concerning me in relation to their now proven misconduct against me.
The "good faith" required by law in an evaluation of a grievance is beyond the OAE with regard to me or any aspects of my life in New Jersey and, evidently, even beyond that unfortunate state.
Nothing prevents the OAE from initiating proceedings for unethical conduct against any one of the dozens of members of the bar -- including public officials or persons who have become judges -- whose nefarious or criminal conduct is detailed in the public media sources cited and/or quoted in my texts.
This is to say nothing of the members of the bar found to be lying in public statements and/or under oath quoted in published sources in my texts.
I believe and will continue to say, publicly, that the OAE is corrupt and inept; that New Jersey's legal profession, judiciary, and politicians are the most unethical and criminal (with many exceptions) in the nation.
These allegations by me will continue to be supported by objective sources and well-established facts in my published writings.
You, Mr. Ziff, state in your letter that I "make a number of allegations against a multitude of people without support."
If you had examined the attachments to my communications you would have found "numerous" examples of computer crime committed against my blogs and computers emanating from your government agency's computers and/or from the actions of persons affiliated with your office.
Please refer to my "Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq." and the items sent to Mr. Vance which, I am sure, have been shown to you.
John McGill, Esq. who, at the time of his actions was a member of your office and of the N.J. Bar Association, submitted fraudulent testimony from a witness he knew to be lying for money in proceedings brought against me by the OAE. This fact has been known in Trenton for some time.
In addition to this serious criminal and unethical action, Mr. McGill denied me discoverable material, also illegally, and lied about that fact as well as many other ethics infractions and violations of law for which he is responsible.
John McGill, Esq., illegally, closed a bank account held by me and lied about doing so after slandering me to former friends and family members as well as former clients in efforts to solicit grievances against me.
Among the N.J. attorneys committing crimes against me at the invitation of the OAE are: Gilberto Garcia, Esq.; Mary Anne Kriko, Esq.; Edgar Navarete, Esq. (who may also have "dipped" into his trust account); Estela De La Cruz, Esq (now a judge, allegedly, whose ostensible fondness for prostitutes results in the commission of criminal offenses); Alex Booth, Esq.; Howard Brownstein, Esq.; Nydia Hernandez, Esq. and Mr. McGill's "lackey" Lourdes Santiago, Esq. together with others offered no choice about what they were required to do or say against me.
Many persons were lied to (or threatened) by these lawyers and other persons to act against me.
The unethical and criminal actions of these attorneys are certainly within your jurisdiction and do not require the filing of a grievance by me.
New Jersey's Supreme Court is well aware of these crimes and the continuing danger posed by this public farce created by your office.
Whoever wrote the letter appearing over the alleged signature of William B. Ziff, Esq. is probably an unsuccessful participant in previous online debates against me and an accomplice to the commission of the crimes listed above.
I believe the true author of what purports to be Mr. Ziff's letter of October 19, 2016 is a woman using many names online, including the name "Jill Ketchum."
There is a U.S. Justice Department criminal investigation of these matters so that letters such as Mr. Ziff's recent "communication" may be perceived as interference with such an investigation.
I will not be intimidated nor discouraged in pursuing my remedies in these matters however long it may take to reach a federal courtroom.
If the OAE cannot tell the truth about who is actually writing their own letters, or why they are doing so, I cannot expect the agency to admit the truth about anything else.
Very truly yours,
Juan Galis-Menendez
Stuart Rabner, Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court (w/encls.)
Preet Bharara, Esq., U.S. Attorney, New York (w/encls.)
The Star-Ledger (w/encls.)
Gov. Christopher Christie (w/encls.)
Sen. Robert Menendez (w/encls.)
Cuban Embassy, Washington, D.C. (w/encls.)
Amnesty International, London (w/encls.)
October 15, 2016 at 11:52 A.M. There are aspects of my New Jersey experience that defy rational description:
Compare Emma G. Fitzimmons & Patrick McGeehan, "Neglect Brings Steep Decline For N.J. Transit," The New York Times, October 14, 2016, p. A1 with Eli Rosenberg, "Misconduct Complaint Against Christie Has Merit, Judge Says," The New York Times, October 14, 2016 at p. A22.
The first article confirms many assertions made in earlier posts by me (as well as many others in New Jersey) that theft and incompetence have created a public peril for users of N.J. Transit (also for N.J. hospitals, airports, bridges and more), including endangering many New Yorkers.
The second piece suggests that the state's governor not just the senior senator and hundreds of other lawyers, judges, or "public officials" may be corrupt and subject to indictment.
Mr. Menendez and Mr. Christie are said to be distinguished and "ethical" members of the New Jersey Bar Association. ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
October 12, 2016 at 2:01 p.m. Due to insertions of "errors" overnight I will be making corrections today. I will have to delay the continuing posting of sources attached to the text.
I cannot say how many other essays have been damaged by the latest attacks against these blogs taking place, evidently, with the cooperation of New Jersey authorities.
For some reason my phone was inoperative this morning. I will try to correct the damage done to my works.
As of October 3, 2016 no response to my communications has been received from any U.S. police, prosecutors, judges or politicians.
I have not yet received a communication of any kind from any public interest group contacted by me nor from a media outlet located in or controlled by entities in the United States of America.
I have reason to believe that non-U.S. entities are increasingly interested in me and advocating for justice in my matters.
I am deeply grateful for all efforts on my behalf.
I continue to anticipate and expect a response from the U.S. Justice Department. Specifically, I expect to hear from Preet Bharara, Esq., U.S. Attorney in New York.
I can only write or access the Internet for 45 minutes per business day.
Deformations of this text and alterations in the size of letters are always expected.
Any home computer or laptop that I seek to use in order to write online will be destroyed or rendered inoperative. No doubt this computer crime is the result of Mr. Pizzuro's efforts. Lulu? ("How censorship works in America" and "Censorship and Cruelty in New Jersey.")
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights that has been accepted by the United States of America and which is incorporated into U.S. law by way of the U.S. Code and also federal case law contains a number of guaranteed rights that have been (and continue to be) violated in my situation that is unfolding, publicly, before an international audience that contains many distinguished attorneys and jurists.
I will enumerate some of the rights violated before the eyes of this audience.
In addition to these rights violations American Constitutional protections have been and continue to be ignored by New Jersey authorities (thus far) with impunity:
ARTICLE 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of the person.
ARTICLE 4: No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slavery trade shall be prohibited in all their forms.
ARTICLE 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhumane or degrading treatment or punishment.
ARTICLE 6: Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a PERSON before the law.
Please see "What is it like to be plagiarized" and "'Brideshead Revisited': A Movie Review" then "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli" and "An Open Letter to Cyrus Vance, Jr., Esq."
To be recognized as a person before the law is to receive the dignity and courtesy of a timely response or reply rather than silence from the mechanisms of the state in connection with public communication of criminal violations of the laws and of one's human rights as well as the rights of others.
ARTICLE 7: All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law.
This includes Eric Garner, Freddy Gray, and every other African-American defendant in the U.S. legal system.
All are entitled to equal protection against discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against incitement to such discrimination.
Failures to respond to communications from U.S. citizens (and others) on an international level requesting the truth from New Jersey government and/or courts violates the provisions of Articles 7 and 8:
ARTICLE 8: Everyone has the right to an effective remedy by the competent national tribunals for acts violating the fundamental right guaranteed to him [or her] by the Constitution or by law.
ARTICLE 10: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and IMPARTIAL tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him.
I have never been charged with a crime. There are no judgments against me of which I am aware. Also, the New Jersey Supreme Court's one paragraph decision in my matter which has been posted online by the OAE is now, admittedly, based on fraudulent testimony and perjury that has been the subject of lies and a cover-up in Trenton.
Perhaps the intention of those posting this paragraph from the Atlantic Reporter (not the official reporter for the N.J. Supreme Court) was to embarrass me, but it merely has the effect of humiliating the tribunal deciding a matter that concerns me on the basis of criminal frauds and threats of innocent persons generated by its own Office of Attorney Ethics (OAE). ("New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System.")
According to that soiled tribunal's own previous decisions, the outcome in my matters has been rendered void ab initio and subject to dismissal as the product of a criminal fraud. I am awaiting that dismissal and appropriate apologies.
I am confident that this, in fact, will be the judgment at least of the U.S. federal courts. In any case, the prior and now bogus N.J. Supreme Court decision is irrelevant to the U.S. Justice Department's criminal prosecution of computer criminals and other culprits in these matters.
ARTICLE 12: No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his PRIVACY, family, home or correspondence, nor to attacks upon his honour [sic.] and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attack.
ARTICLE 18: Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in PUBLIC or private, to manifest his religion or beliefs in teaching, practice, worship or observance.
ARTICLE 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through ANY media and regardless of frontiers.
Eleanor Roosevelt, et als. eds., Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Mass.: UN, 1948), pp. 2-5. (Adopted by United States of America and United Nations December 10, 1948.)
A copy of the completed essay appearing below with attachments and one hundred sources listed will be sent to Governor Christopher Christie of New Jersey; N.J. Senator Robert Menendez; the New Jersey Supreme Court; The Star-Ledger; Amnesty International, London; and the U.S. Attorney in New York.
Rape is also a violation of basic human rights. Thefts of money owed to me from my office by Mr. McGill, "David," and others may also be "unethical."
Peter J. Sampson & Paul Berger, "Wildstein Says Traffic Plans Weren't Secret: Testifies He Told Christie Aides, Ex-County Executives of Scheme," The Record, September 27, 2016, p. A-1. (Allegations that the plot to create a life-threatening traffic jam as political payback was well-known to Mr. Christie's Republican appointees at the Port Authority and others in Trenton, including N.J.'s governor, are now confirmed. Probably, Republican loyalist Stuart Rabner was aware of the plot.)
Kaja Whitehouse & Kate Sheehy, "Christie Cackled as N.J. Suffered," New York Post, September 28, 2016, p. 7. (Mr. Christie was "amused" that lives were endangered by the gridlock that was meant to demonstrate his power to officials in Fort Lee dependent on Trenton's approval for pending projects. When the right-wing media abandons a Republican official things can only get worse for that person. How could you lose the New York Post, Mr. Christie?)
Kate Zernike, "Ex-Ally: Scheme Made Christie Laugh," The New York Times, September 28, 2016, p. A1. (With a "chuckle" Mr. Christie declined to make any effort to reopen lanes and end the gridlock at the G.W. Bridge. No wonder I am still dealing with New Jersey's nonsense. Nothing and no one is on the "up-and-up" in the Garden State.)
Joe Malinconico, "Towing Firm's Campaign 'Gifts' Tally $100,000: Gave to Candidates of All Stripes," The Record, September 27, 2016, p. L-3. ("Pay-to-play" is alive and well in New Jersey. Each time a car is towed part of the cost of the towing will come back to officials under the table. Bob Menendez can explain that "method" to N.J. residents. This creates an incentive to seize persons' vehicles. And even to issue parking tickets to cars being repaired and located in different counties from where they are ticketed.)
Allison Pries, "14 Jurors Picked in Synagogue Attacks: Arson Trial May Last Five Weeks," The Record, September 27, 2016, p. L-3. (Aakash Dalal, 24, is charged with orchestrating a series of attacks against Jewish sites in New Jersey. Several "copy-cat" attacks have taken place recently and are likely to continue in protest over what Mr. Dalal may allege to be "double standards" favoring Jews in New Jersey's legal system. "Have you no shame, Mr. Rabner?")
"China Visitors Draw Castro Into the Public Eye," Financial Times, September 27, 2016, p. 1. ("Former Cuban President Fidel Castro greets Chinese Premier Li Ken Qiang and his wife Cheng Hong during a visit shown in a picture released by Cuban officials yesterday." Fidel charmed his Chinese visitors with anecdotes from his meetings and experiences with Chairman Mao. It seems that Fidel Castro has hit the curve ball yet again.)
Julie Hirschfield Davis, "Obama Moves to Further Ease Cuba Embargo: Directive Makes Policy Harder to Reverse," The New York Times, October 15, 2016, p. A1. (Cuban rum and cigars are coming to a store near you. Finally, a genuine Cohiba.)
Somini Segupta & Rick Gladstone, "U.S. Abstains In UN Vote On Embargo Against Cuba," The New York Times, October 27, 2016, p. A8. (The abstention is: "A sign of the Obama administration's desire to fully repair relations." This correct decision by the Obama administration amounts to the concession that the embargo violates international law and, therefore, the human rights of the Cuban people. Let us hope that this archaic legislation can be repealed during Hillary Clinton's first administration.)
S.P. Sullivan, "Ruling Tightens Access to Records: Court Officials Can Refuse to Confirm Documents Exist," The Star-Ledger, September 1, 2016, p. 1. (New Jersey officials can deny the truth to citizens in violation of federal Constitutional rights and are allowed to LIE about even the existence of a person's own records. New Jersey's practices have been disallowed by federal courts. Lying has been deemed to be a "way of life in New Jersey courts and politics." Mr. Christie claims that he was "never told" about this fact.)
Paul Mulshine, "New Jersey Alarmingly Susceptible to Voter Fraud," The Star-Ledger, September 1, 2016, p. 3. (It is expected that, once again, thousands of deceased persons will vote in the forthcoming presidential election in the Garden State. Thousands of votes will also be cast for write-in candidates such as Vladimir Putin and Fidel Castro. According to the F.B.I., allegedly, New Jersey's computers have been hacked by multiple entities, including "non-U.S. actors." The damage to New Jersey from spectacular failures and corruption or criminal conspiracies such as those I struggle against is in the millions of dollars. Stop lying and tell the truth Mr. Centinaro and Mr. Rabner.)
Michael Weissenstein, "Santa Clara, Cuba: Commercial Flight From U.S. to Cuba Makes History," The Star-Ledger, September 1, 2016, p. 4. (Bob Menendez may seek to visit Cuba if he is convicted of corruption. The Cubans will return Mr. Menendez to U.S. authorities. Mr. Menendez claims that all charges are a "mischaracterization" of his humanitarian efforts. "Menendez Charged With Selling His Office" and "Was Menendez Bribed to Get a Visa For a Croney?")
Jessica Mazzola, "FBI Investigation of Library Grows to Include $48,000 Federal Grant," The Star-Ledger, September 1, 2016, p. 15. (Federal funds may have been stolen in N.J. libraries and other facilities. Mr. Christie claims he was also "not told" about this matter.)
Ted Sherman, "List of Names to Stay Secret: U.S. Appeals Court Rules Against Releasing IDs of Unindicted Coconspirators," The Star-Ledger, September 8, 2016, p. 1. (Federal court will protect N.J.'s unindicted co-conspirators, who are often informers and worse culprits -- typically, they may be lawyers and/or judges or schoolteachers -- at the expense of the people's right to know. These protected "sleazebags" are the same persons judging and commenting on the "ethics" of others. Maria Martinez? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Brent Johnson, "Governor Denies Any Role in Tax Deal Favorable to Trump," The Star-Ledger, August 18, 2016, p. 1. (Denials are utterly unbelievable. Mr. Christie's lies have become pathological. Like Mr. Trump -- whose fabrications and delusions have caused him to "live in his own reality," as Secretary Clinton suggested -- Mr. Christie appears to have lost the ability to distinguish truth from fantasy. A new investigation into the tax "reduction" issue has begun. This matter is worse than Bridgegate.)
"Gov. Christie's Shadow Over Bridgegate," (Editorial) The New York Times, October 27, 2016, p. A26. (Whatever the outcome of the Bridgegate trial, Mr. Christie is the biggest loser and his political career is, mercifully, over. There is little doubt about the sort of person that Mr. Christie is and/or of the sort of behavior that may be expected from New Jersey's governor, or concerning the skepticism that will greet his future statements on any subject. I am sincerely sorry for persons residing in New Jersey.)
S.P. Sullivan, "Massive Child Porn Crackdown Nets 40 Arrests," The Star-Ledger, August 19, 2016, p. 1.
"Forty men hailing from every corner of New Jersey have been charged in a statewide crackdown on the distribution of child pornography, authorities announced Thursday."
The difficulty with this investigation and the numerous limitations on the well-intentioned effort to control the phenomenon of child-prostitution and -pornography in New Jersey is that the focus is on street-level users and distribution of this material. ("New Jersey's Child Abuse Epidemic" and "New Jersey is America's Child Porn Capitol.")
Every single county in the state and nearly all ethnic groups are represented among those arrested, but the forces generating this material with their connections to police, prosecutors, politicians and judges in N.J. were left "unexplored" and "untargeted" by the Trenton-based investigation, I believe, for obvious reasons. ("New Jersey Superior Court Judge is a Child Molester" and "Neil M. Cohen, Esq. and Conduct Unbecoming to the Legislature in New Jersey" then "New Jersey Rabbi Faces Child Porn Charges" and "New Jersey Lesbian Sends Nude Photos to Minor" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison.")
New Jersey's politicians and corrupt law enforcement agents wish to be seen as "doing something" about the disgusting and blatant (as well as out-of-control) child abuse phenomenon in the Garden State. ("Another New Jersey Child Sex Scandal" and "New Jersey Rabbi Charged With Child Abuse.")
The same politicians and police, prosecutors, judges (and others) do not wish to have anyone engaging in public scrutiny of their activities and relationships to the lucrative industry generating billions of dollars in earnings by trading in this filth. ("New Jersey is the Home of Child Molesters" and "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
This corrupt industry is among the few businesses thriving amidst the rotting corpses under the Turnpike and chemically-sprayed cranberry fields as well as medical waste-saturated beaches that declare "We're New Jersey!" to the state's friendly residents and kindly visitors from other places. ("Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes" and "Edward M. De Sear, Esq. and New Jersey's Filth" then "New Jersey's Filth, Failures, and Flaws.")
Arresting consumers and low-level distributors of this repellent material will only result in the replacement of these people within a week. ("New Jersey's Politically-Connected Lawyers On the Tit" and "New Jersey's Political and Judicial Whores" then "New Jersey's Feces-Covered Supreme Court.")
It should be noted that among the arrested persons were a number of white collar professionals who no doubt contributed to the "higher end" work in the "industry." ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "Mafia Influence in New Jersey Courts and Politics.")
In fairness, Italian organized crime families rarely get involved in the child-prostitution and child-pornography industries because the penalties and corresponding risks are not to their liking nor do they approve of the business on moral grounds. Charging a fee for looking the other way is not beneath the mafia's dignity:
" ... 'No matter where you live in the state of New Jersey, this is happening there,' said State Police Lt. Pizzuro, [Mr. Pizzuro has been linked to the Genovese crime family, allegedly,] the commander [sic.] of the state's regional Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force, in an interview at the force's technology center in Hamilton. 'This is pervasive.' ..."
Mr. Pizzuro may now be under investigation (by the feds) for targeting my blogs for computer attacks. Many mysterious phone calls to my home seem to have come from these "officers." ("Christie and Mastro Accuse each Other of Lying" and "Organized Crime Group in New Jersey's State Police" then "KKK Police Shocker in New Jersey" and "Driving While Black in New Jersey.")
Allegations of racism against Mr. Pizzuro are vehemently denied. ("Albert Florence and New Jersey's Racism.")
These arrests may sound good to the uninitiated, but are really a distraction from the extent of the problem of corruption, incompetence, organized crime influence to say nothing of child abuse in New Jersey. ("More Mafia Arrests in New Jersey and Anne Milgram is Clueless" and "Cement is Gold in New Jersey.")
Child sexual abuse is a multi-billion dollar industry in New Jersey. ("New Jersey's Child Abuse Epidemic" and "Another Global Child Porn Network in New Jersey" then "14 Year-Old Girl Goes For $500 in Union City, New Jersey.")
"Many of the seized computers had more than 1,000 pornographic images of children stashed on their hard drives, authorities said. One allegedly held 76,000 files."
This amount of material is barely enough to keep Bob Menendez "entertained" over a long weekend, allegedly, to say nothing of "Little Debbie" Poritz or Neil M. Cohen, Esq., but it is sufficient to suggest a professional organization selling this stuff. Probably there are hundreds of groups (networks) like this in New Jersey. ("Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" then "New Jersey Rabbi Faces Child Porn Charges.")
"All were charged with possession of child pornography and most also face charges of distribution for making the files available to others via peer-to-peer networks, authorities said. Under state law, those found to have distributed more than 25 pornographic images of children face mandatory five-year prison sentences authorities said."
Col. Rick Fuentes and Christopher Porrino, Esq., State Police Commander and N.J. Attorney General, respectively, were awoken from their dogmatic slumbers to comment on these developments together with allegations that placing child porn on computers is a time-tested New Jersey political tactic to "get rid of" opponents, like creating a traffic jam for a local mayor who refuses to obey Trenton's instructions. ("Law and Ethics in the Soprano State" and "New Jersey Lawyers' Ethics Farce" then "Another Global Child Porn Ring in New Jersey" and "Christie and Mastro Accuse Each Other of Lying.")
Neither of these "distinguished" gentlemen (I use the word "gentlemen" loosely), Mr. Pizzuro nor Mr. Porrino, were willing to answer questions about me.
"I don't know nothing." Mr. Porrino was quoted as saying. I believe him.
Mr. Pizzuro has chosen to remain silent on the advice of his attorney. ("More Mafia Influence in New Jersey.")
"The accused, all men, [so far!] range in age from 20 to 72-years-old [sic.] and include a former Pennsylvania school teacher, construction workers, white-collar professionals and a custodian for the Long Branch school district." ("New Jersey's Child Abuse Epidemic.")
Jonathan Chait, "Interview With Barack Obama, President of the United States of America," New York, October 3-16, 2016, p. 14. ("If they [Republicans] cooperated with me, then that would validate our efforts. If they were able to maintain uniform opposition to whatever I proposed, [emphasis added] that would send a signal to the public of gridlock and dysfunction, and that would help them win seats in the midterm [election.] They pursued that strategy [of non-cooperation] with great discipline." Please see the introduction to "Images and Death.")
Martin Amis, "Don the Realtor: The Rise of Trump," Harper's Magazine, August, 2016, p. 82, pp. 86-87. ("Emotionally primitive and intellectually barbaric, the Trump manifesto would be a reasonably good sick joke -- if it weren't for one deeply disturbing observation, which occurs on page 163. Every now and again Americans feel the need to exalt and heroize an ignoramus. After Joe the Plummer, here is Don the Realtor -- a 'very successful' realtor, who, it is surreptitiously hoped, can apply the shark-and-vulture practice of big business to the sphere of world statesmanship. I will italicize Trump's key sentence: after he announced his candidacy, 'a lot of people tried very hard to paint a bleak picture of what would happen.' New Paragraph: 'THEN THE AMERICAN PEOPLE SPOKE.' [emphasis added] We remember the bitter witticism about democracy: 'The people have spoken.' The bastards. ..." Mr. Trump clearly sees himself as called by history to rescue the nation, joining the others on Mt. Rushmore while earning yet another six-foot portrait, and -- best of all perhaps! -- making a few dollars while he's at it. The terms used by experts are: pathological narcissism, delusions of grandeur, excessive self-love, and far worse. Is this man fit to be President of the United States of America? Will Mr. Trump form coalitions with opponents and obtain cooperation from those he insults? Can women of good conscience vote for a person who holds the opinion that women's primary goal in life is to be a "10" and that a woman with small breasts will find it difficult to be a "10"?)
"Mr. Trump Goes Low," (Editorial) The New York Times, October 10, 2016, p. A20. ("Sniffing and glowering, Mr. Trump prowled behind Mrs. Clinton as she presented herself again as the only adult on stage, the only one seeking to persuade the great majority of Americans that she shares their values and aspirations. Mr. Trump, by contrast, fell back on the tricks learned from his years on pro-wrestling and reality television, making clear how deep his cynicism goes." Do Americans genuinely believe that Donald J. Trump is competent to hold the office of President of the United States of America?)
Kate Zernike, "Witness Connects Cuomo to Bridge Case Cover-Up: Ex-Christie Ally Cites Fake Traffic Study Tale," The New York Times, October 5, 2016, p. A17. (I do not believe that N.Y.'s Governor Andrew M. Cuomo would "assist" Mr. Christie with Bridgegate and a CRIMINAL cover-up that placed people's lives in danger both in New Jersey and New York. This insinuation from Mr. Wildstein is intended to displace blame for the GWB crisis in order to preserve Christie's future political prospects which are now nonexistent. I do not think this strategy will be successful.)
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Wildstein Connects Cuomo to Cover-Up: Star Witness Says N.Y. Gov. Discussed Plan With Christie," The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 1. (As the story continues to change and expand -- why not mention Mr. Cuomo before this? -- efforts to displace blame away from Christie take on a surreal aspect. Will Mr. Christie next blame Barack Obama for the traffic jam at the G.W. bridge? Are these smears of Democrat Cuomo coming from Trenton's Republican governor?)
Steve Strunsky, "Feds Seek Clues to Train Crash in Data Recorders," The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 1. (Sabotage?)
Brent Johnson, "Fired Ex-Prosecutor Gets $1.5 Million Settlement," The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 15. (Christie abused his power in a politically-motivated firing of a prosecutor. What is not politically-motivated for New Jersey's governor? Anything? Nothing?)
"Tax Deal Worsens N.J.'s Fiscal Crisis," (Editorial) The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 16. ("The state budget is already a disaster -- the second worst in the country, according to all three Wall Street rating agencies. And now the hole will get deeper." N.J.'s government and courts have been declared to be the most corrupt and unethical in the country by international bankers. Do you speak to me of "ethics" at the OAE? "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" then "More Problems For Menendez -- Tapes!" and "Corrupt Law Firms, Senator Bob, and New Jersey Ethics.")
Dave Hutchinson, "Former Prep School Teacher Pleads Guilty to Sex Assault Charge," The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 18. (Jason Fennes, 42, of Cranford, pleaded guilty to sexual assault and endangerment of a child accepting a seven-year prison term. Mr. Fennes had previously pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting 1st grade girls. Accordingly, Mr. Fennes will receive another 14-year prison term on these charges in Morris County.)
Justin Zaremba, "Man and Woman Charged With Running a Prostitution House," The Star-Ledger, October 5, 2016, p. 18. (Michelle Bishop, 40, and Michael Bishop, 42, operated a brothel at which children, or legal minors, may have been among the sex workers. Did the client list in Mount Olive include lawyers, judges, police and prosecutors? I suspect so.)
Meg Wagner & Leonard Greene, "Porn to Run (for Prez): Trump Cameo in Nude Video Unearthed, Clown's Piggish 5 A.M. Tweets Ripped," The Daily News, October 1, 2016, pp. 8-9. (Journalists comment upon "Donald's tiny part" -- as it were! -- "in a Playboy video." Donald Trump's claims to be "huge" are examined and found wanting. Given Mr. Trump's prancing in such videos are the Republican presidential candidate's comments about Alicia Machado even more absurd than we previously thought? I believe so.)
Tom Haydon, "Cops Investigate Lewdness Reports," The Star-Ledger, August 19, 2016, p. 14. (Reports of a man fitting the description of Senator Menendez exposing himself to juveniles have kept Linden police busy. "Fact-finding," Senator? "Menendez Consorts With Underage Prostitutes" and "Menendez Blames Castro For His Prostitution Habit.")
Jeff Goldman, "Guilty Plea Expected in Sex Trafficking Case," The Star-Ledger, August 19, 2016, p. 14. (A Rhode Island man admitted he brought a 14-year-old runaway girl to a motel in Somerset County to force her into prostitution. This was only one of several men and women charged with bringing juveniles to New Jersey for this specific purpose since August because the state is deemed "convenient" for persons in this "industry.")
Alfred P. Doblin, "At the PA They Asked, 'Who's Afraid of Wildstein Wolfe?'," (Op-Ed) The Record, October 3, 2016, p. A-9. (Mr. Wildstein has been described by former colleagues as a "despicable fool" who could only achieve a position of influence in New Jersey's corrupt political system. Hapless, clueless, malicious, mendacious, and incompetent -- miraculously, Mr. Wildstein was not appointed to the Superior Court bench even if he was considered for the judiciary at one point. "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary.")
Patrick McGeehan, "New Jersey to Raise Gas Tax by 23 Cents As Long Political Stalemate Ends," The New York Times, October 1, 2016, p. A1. (It is expected that substantial portions of N.J.'s new gas tax revenues will be stolen. Road conditions in New Jersey are even more life-threatening than the railways.)
Matt A. Chaban & Emma Fitzimmons, "Wreckage in New Jersey is Slow to Offer Answers," The New York Times, October 1, 2016, p. A17. (Neglect of New Jersey Transit conditions -- combined with possible sabotage -- makes the state's rail system an excellent potential weapon for terrorists as previously noted at these blogs and elsewhere.)
Marissa Iati, ["Marissa Fuentes"?] "No Data On First Recorder in Wreck: N.J. Transit Engineer Tells Investigators He Doesn't Remember Crash," The Star-Ledger, October 3, 2016, p. 1. (Human error, incompetence, waste and theft from N.J. Transit's budget have now created an even greater catastrophe waiting to happen. Rail conditions alone are a disgrace and imminent danger to patrons of the state's trains. Much the same may be said of New Jersey's failed legal system.)
Joe Malinconico, "Paterson Leaders Settle Suit for $5,000: Ex-Official Accused in Overtime Scandal," The Record, October 4, 2016, p. L-1. ($5,000 paid to Lanisha Makle after $850,000 to settle 4 lawsuits filed by city employees in Paterson essentially alleging corruption makes the latest overtime disaster a nearly $1 MILLION "mistake." Not only are taxpayers paying for bogus overtime "work" that is not being done, but the public is endangered by conditions and threats that are not being dealt with as money continues to be stolen.)
Steve Jarnoski, "Woman Sues Over Being Filmed in Bathroom: Defendant Pleaded Guilty to Criminal Charge in Case," The Record, October 14, 2016, p. L-3. (Nicolas Sunday, 69, videotaped a then-17-year-old girl using his home bathroom. Such videos of minors are lucrative items in underground markets. Videos of me and others taken secretly are, apparently, in the possession of "David" and/or the OAE. I renew my requests to New Jersey for all records of interrogation sessions to which I was subjected while I was placed under hypnosis and in a drugged state. "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
AP, "Paterson Man Held On Child Porn Charges," The Record, October 4, 2016, p. L-2. (Carlos Macedo-Pascual, 33, a Bob Menendez supporter, has been charged with possession and distribution of child-porn. New Jersey is one of the world's greatest exporters of child-porn featuring victims primarily between the ages of 5-to-7-years-of-age. This defendant is only one of several persons, allegedly, involved in exporting such materials to other countries from the Garden State. No doubt the main concern of New Jersey's politicians is to figure out how they can tax child-porn so they will be able to steal the proceeds collected from "exporters.")
Matt Katz, "Corruption in the Soprano State," (Op-Ed) The New York Times, Sunday Opinion, October 2, 2016, p. 3. ("Chris Christie vowed to 'clean up' New Jersey [government and politics.] He failed." Laughable and disgusting judges; thefts committed by incompetent government officials in Trenton; police allied with organized crime; a computer crimes unit that commits computer crimes against persons "bosses" do not like; cops assisting in the distribution of child-pornography. Is this New Jersey's legal ethics, Mr. Rabner? I wonder if "Muhammad" from Time/Warner is a member of this so-called computer crimes unit? Racism, Mr. Pizzuro?)
James Risen, "An Ex-Detainee, but Still a Captive of 'the Darkness,'" The New York Times, October 12, 2016, p. A1. (America's torture methods or so-called "interrogation techniques" have made U.S. questioning methods anathema throughout the world. Invasions of privacy, assaults, thefts, unrelenting attacks on identity are now routine in the U.S. legal system. "An Open Letter to My Torturers Terry Tuchin ["Arthur Goldberg"? David Cohen?] and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Adam Liptak, "Justices to Decide Case Accusing Bush Officials of 9/11 Abuses," The New York Times, October 12, 2016, p. A13. (U.S. Supreme Court has been passive and indifferent to American tortures, so far. "Is America's Legal Ethics a Lie?")
Kate Zernike, "Lawyer Says Ex-Aide and Christie Spoke of Bridge Plot Beforehand," The New York Times, October 12, 2016, p. A19. (" ... the governor and his aides, keenly aware of Mr. Christie's presidential ambitions and how a second scandal could damage them, were more worried about keeping any evidence implicating his officials hidden." Does this sound familiar Mr. Rabner? The denials and theatrics by Mr. Christie were a farce meant to obscure the N.J. governor's role in the scandal.)
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Ex-Christie Aide Denies Hearing Gov. Knew of Closures," The Star-Ledger, October 12, 2016, p. 1. (N.J.'s corrupt politicians can no longer remember -- nor keep straight in their statements -- their own previous lies. Is Deborah Gramiccioni a reader of my blog posts? Has Ms. Gramiccioni used fictitious names in the media and/or elsewhere? Was Ms. Gramiccioni a participant in debates at "The Philosophy Cafe" at MSN?)
Steve Strunsky, "Passenger Hurt in Crash to Sue N.J. Transit," The Star-Ledger, October 12, 2016, p. 13. (Sheldon Keft, 66, from Tenafly is the first passenger hurt in the Hoboken crash to sue New Jersey Transit. There will be many more such suits. If the troubles with New Jersey Transit are not dealt with soon, it is likely that there will be many more such accidents.)
Jeff Goldman, "Lawyer Disbarred After Conviction," The Star-Ledger, October 12, 2016, p. 18. (Thomas G. Frey, Esq. was disbarred after he defrauded 4 persons of $20,000 each. Mr. Frey was probably cooperating with the OAE in targeting colleagues in order to distract the authorities from his own activities. Alex Booth? Jose Ginarte? Herb Klitzner?)
Paul Berger, "Port Authority Cops Say Baroni Told Them to LIE: Jury Also Hears of Christie's Anger," The Record, October 12, 2016, p. A-1. (Allegations of a Christie-created plot to LIE and cover-up efforts to create a traffic jam at the G.W. bridge even as Mr. Christie now expresses outrage at Donald J. Trump's less than charming behavior with women.)
Dustin Racioppi, "Christie 'Disturbed' by Trump's Talk," The Record, October 12, 2016, p. A-7. (Chris Christie has expressed "reservations" about Donald Trump's mishandling of the "bimbo eruptions," to coin a phrase, now destroying Mr. Trump's chances of becoming president. Mr. Christie's "handling" of the Bridgegate matter, however, leaves a great deal to be desired. "Christie's Bridge of Sighs.")
Allison Pries, "Jurors Hear Messages Discussing Firebombing Plot: Lodi Man on Trial for Anti-Semitic Vandalism Spree," The Record, October 12, 2016, p. L-1. (One of many plots to burn Synagogues and other Jewish locations in New Jersey, allegedly. Similar attacks are growing in number in the Garden State.)
Jonathan D. Salant & Larry Higgs, "Train Sped Up [sic.] Before Crashing, Feds Find: NTSB Says Engineer Tried to Apply Emergency Brake," The Star-Ledger, October 12, 2016, p. 1. (The engineer's memory block and choice to approach the station at 21 miles per hour -- twice the recommended speed -- coincides with the mysterious placement of more feces in New Jersey courtrooms. Is it true that the engineer's watchstrap was severed in the accident? "The Invicta Watch Company" and "The Invicta Watch Company Caper.")
Thomas Moriarty, "Fed Grand Jury Renews Contested Allegations in Menendez Case," The Star-Ledger, October 11, 2016, p. 3. ("More than a year after a judge dismissed four counts of bribery [from a 13-count indictment] in the corruption case against Sen. Robert Menendez and Florida [eye doctor] Dr. Salamon Melgen, [sic.] a Florida grand jury Thursday renewed the accusation in a superseded [sic.] indictment." The new superseding indictment satisfies the concern of the District Court Judge in the estimation of the federal appellate panel overseeing this matter. This ruling allows for all charges against Mr. Menendez to be heard by the eventual trial jury. Furthermore, a second indictment against Senator Menendez may be pending in which events described in these blogs could provide a factual basis for the charges. The decision to seek certiorari for a U.S. Supreme Court review of this interlocutory appeal by Mr. Menendez, through his counsel, is doomed to fail because there is no "novel question on the merits" and it is likely that the Supreme Court will review these matters -- if at all -- only at the conclusion of trial-level legal proceedings. The First Amendment issue is absurd in a bribery case. "Menendez Charged With Selling His Office" and "Menendez Croney's Office Raided.")
Megan Thouy & Michael Barbaro, "Two Women Say Trump Made Unwanted Advances Long Ago," The New York Times, October 13, 2016, p. A1. (Is this man fit to be president?)
Jeff Goldman, "Bombing Suspect Faces 1st Court Appearance in New Jersey," The Star-Ledger, October 13, 2016, p. 2. (Ahmad Rahami will make a first appearance in New Jersey courtrooms. Experts predict more bombings -- possibly targeting New York once again -- coming from northern New Jersey.)
Mar Ann Spoto, "Man Admits Sexually Assaulting Girl, 11, He Met on Social Media," The Star-Ledger, October 13, 2016, p. 12. (Robert Clayton, 36, from Pittsburgh met a child on social media and arranged to take her to a hotel in Ocean County, New Jersey for sexual intercourse as well as for probable prostitution of the child. New Jersey, we are told, is "well known" to be the place for sex with children. "New Jersey Welcomes Child Molesters.")
Susan K. Livio, "Chiropractor Arrested in Radiology Referral Scheme," The Star-Ledger, October 13, 2016, p. 12. (Lawyers and chiropractors scheming to scam insurance companies kicking back to one another is pervasive in New Jersey. This helps to explain your insurance rates in the Garden State. Edgar Navarete, Esq.? Jose Ginarte, Esq.? Bass & Bass, Esqs.?)
Lindy Washburn, "Pair Admit to Kickback: Paramus Men Paid Doctors $850,000 for Referrals," The Record, October 13, 2016, p. L-1. ("The cases are part of a far-reaching, long-running web of corruption in the medical imaging business that has snared dozens of doctors and chiropractors [and lawyers,] lost millions of dollars for insurers and medicaid, and led state law enforcement to create a special commercial bribery task force for the health care industry." No doubt this task force is headed by Mr. Pizzuro.)
Jessica Mazzola, "Cop Groped Woman During Traffic Stop, Federal Suit Alleges," The Star-Ledger, October 11, 2016, p. 16. (Ricardo Arias-Vasquez, a Bob Menendez supporter -- who is probably voting for Mr. Trump in the presidential election -- groped a woman he pulled over in a traffic stop. Allegedly, the victim still received a ticket.)
David A. Faringhold, "AG Orders Trump Charity to Stop Work: Foundation Failed to Properly Register With the State of N.Y.," The Star-Ledger, October 4, 2016, p. 1. (Mr. Trump's so-called "charity" failed to comply with N.Y. law and its expenditures may constitute criminal violations of the law.)
"Christie LIES For Trump," (Editorial) The Star-Ledger, October 4, 2016, p. 14. ("The Washington Post revealed Donald Trump's foundation is such a wide-ranging scam that it cannot be considered a charity. Gov. Chris Christie obediently went on talk radio to insist Trump had given away 'tens of millions of dollars,' with zero evidence to back that up." When confronted with the facts, will Mr. Christie explain that "no one told him" about Donald Trump's scams and lies?)
Kate Zernike, "Prosecutor Rests Case Against 2 Christie Aides," The New York Times, October 14, 2016, p. A24. (It looks good for the prosecutor at this stage, but then it always looks good for the state before the defense presents its case. The political damage to Christie is already devastating.)
"Donald Trump vs. a Free Press," (Editorial) The New York Times, October 14, 2016, p. A26. (Given the fictitious names writing bogus articles in the Times and cooperating with censorship efforts against online writers, I hate to say it, but Mr. Trump may have a point about bias in the media. "Ought Implies Can" and "The Gray Lady is Red Faced" then "Is the universe only a numbers game?")
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Ex-Insider Takes Back Gov 'Lied' Comment: 'It was a poor choice of words,' witness testifies," The Star-Ledger, October 7, 2016, p. 9. (Christina Genovese Renna -- who has been linked to organized crime in New Jersey, allegedly -- said she LIED when claiming that Mr. Christie LIED. Is Christina LYING now? Or was Ms. Renna LYING then? Is Christie LYING now? Or was Christie LYING at all times in this matter? "Deborah Gramiccioni" a.k.a. "Diana Lisa Riccioli" says she "don't know nothing"? "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison" and "Marilyn Straus Was Right!")
"Could This be Bridgegate: The Sequel," (Editorial) The Star-Ledger, October 7, 2016, p. 10. (Far worse than Bridgegate is possible bribery of the governor in the Trump tax matter or fixing a prosecutor's investigation of corruption by removing the prosecutor. Evidently, both of these practices are now being attributed to Mr. Christie, an ethical member of the bar, whose friends may be posting photographs of unknown felons and attaching them to my name. Over 300 photos of persons attached to my name have appeared online, none of the persons depicted happens to be me. One of the photographs is of Leonardo Di Caprio. I am truly flattered. "A Doll's Aria" and "Richard and I.")
Anthony G. Alterino, "Gym Owner Accused of Molesting Girl," The Star-Ledger, October 7, 2016, p. 12. (Jason Cruize, 45, a Bob Menendez supporter and no relation to Tom Cruize, is charged with aggravated criminal sexual contact with a juvenile girl. Mr. Cruize offered the victim and her mother 20% off on all gym fees.)
Spencer Kent, "Dozens Are Indicted in $15 MILLION Bank Scam," The Star-Ledger, October 7, 2016, p. 16. (A grand jury charged 47 people and 44 companies in a sprawling international bank ring. Numerous lawyers in New Jersey have participated in facilitating these scams. Many of these lawyers are now ethics officials while others are no doubt on the way to the judicial bench. Gilberto Garcia? Samson and Wolf? "New Jersey's Judges Disgrace America" and "New Jersey's Failed Judiciary.")
Kate Zernike, "Co-Worker Says Christie Aide Asked to Delete Email About Lane Closings," The New York Times, October 7, 2016, p. A24. (Ms. Renna said she was "told" to delete her emails and, presumably, to then lie about her stated conclusion that Christie lied at his now infamous press conference. Did Ms. Kelly lie? Did Ms. Renna Lie? Or did Mr. Christie lie? All three of these persons seem to have credibility issues.)
Benjamin Wieser, "Judge Reflects on Terror Trials and a Career's End," The New York Times, October 11, 2016, p. A21. (Kevin Thomas Duffy is one of a dying breed of judges who does not regard himself as a rubber-stamp for the government or any party in litigation even as a former prosecutor. What is being lost by judges in this cowardly age is any sense of the necessary INDEPENDENCE of the judiciary. Who is calling the shots for you, Mr. Rabner?)
Kate Zernike, "Defense Questions the Motivations of a Key Witness at Lane-Closing Trial," The New York Times, October 8, 2016, p. A16. (Was Ms. Renna's testimony driven by grudges or by a little cash and/or a favor for her "godfather" and "godmother"? Friend of yours Ms. Weinberg and Ms. Gramiccioni? "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest!")
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Wildstein: I Told Christie's Inner Circle About Bridgegate Scheme," The Star-Ledger, September 29, 2016, p. 1. (Keep these allegations in mind as they undergo "evolutions" through conflicting testimony. "On Bullshit.")
Kate Zernike, "Former Christie Aide Says He Was Duped About Bridgegate Lane Closings: A Defendant Says He Was Persuaded That a Plot Was Part of a Traffic Study," The New York Times, October 18, 2016, p. A17. (Mr. Brioni's self-serving, absurd, mealy-mouthed protestations notwithstanding, he was clearly part of this moronic and testosterone-driven effort to flex Mr. Christie's political muscles for the benefit of Fort Lee's hapless mayor. Wildstein, Baroni, Christie and others involved in this sordid mess, allegedly, are "ethical" New Jersey lawyers. The analogy to my situation is obvious and compelling. Persons -- like Mr. Rabner? -- are still lying and covering-up in an effort to escape liability. The danger to others means nothing to these people. You decide who is unethical. "No More Cover-Ups and Lies Chief Justice Rabner!" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Samantha Marcus, "Public Employee Pension Fund Lost Money, Officials Say," The Star-Ledger, September 29, 2016, p. 3. (What was previously denied is now admitted: N.J. officials -- especially under Mr. McGreevey -- gambled with the people's money, maybe hoping to skim something off the top of future earnings on investments, and have lost, or stolen, millions of dollars from the account over the years because there were no earnings only losses. Ethics?)
Dustin Racioppi & Peter J. Sampson, "Wildstein Names Another Christie Aide: Says Spokesperson Knew of GWB Plot," The Record, September 29, 2016, p. A-1. (After denying Mr. Wildstein's accusations -- as Mr. Baroni is doing now -- Michael Drewniak now seems to "recall" discussing the matters with Mr. Wildstein. It seems clear that the gridlock was designed to pressure and humiliate Fort Lee's mayor at Christie's request. Deaths of innocent persons would be mere "collateral damage.")
Allison Pries, "Temple Vandalism a 'Punch to the Gut': Jewish Leaders Testify in Firebombing Trial," The Record, September 29, 2016, p. L-1. (More such incidents have taken place in Bergen County where authorities want to keep things quiet so they can lie about the reality on the ground.)
Myles Ma, "Judge: Complaint Against Christie Can Move Forward," The Star-Ledger, October 14, 2016, p. 1. (Citizen-activist Bill Brennan, correctly, alleges that Mr. Christie KNEW of the lane closings while they were happening and should have halted them. This is criminal wrongdoing by the governor. I concur with this assessment. Worse, and far more criminal, is the possible reduction of Mr. Trump's tax bill from $30 million to $5 million in exchange for a possible future appointment for Mr. Christie in an increasingly unlikely Trump presidential administration and/or for some cash under the table to say nothing of "favors" for Exxon in accepting an absurdly low settlement figure for their irreversible damage to New Jersey's cancerous environment no doubt in exchange for political contributions to Republicans. Is this New Jersey's "legal ethics"?)
Michael Sleah, David Porter and Michael Belsamo, "N.J. Transit Tops U.S. List of Accidents," The Star-Ledger, October 14, 2016, p. 9. (N.J. Transit had an accident rate of 2.7 per million miles traveled, nearly one full accident for every million miles higher than that of the second most accident-prone railroad in America. More N.J. Transit catastrophes are expected endangering New York and New Jersey residents.)
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "FBI Agent: Kelly's Emails Go Missing -- Incriminating Missives to Wildstein Were Deleted, Witness Says," The Star-Ledger, October 14, 2016, p. 11. (The Port Authority's power struggles have been likened by one witness to the ongoing warfare between sunnis [N.Y.] and shiites [N.J.] in the Islamic world. The person known as "David" or "Arthur Goldberg" is a member of David Wildstein's G.O.P. brigade; whereas "Deborah Gramiccioni" a.k.a. "Diana Lisa Riccioli" is a member of the Democrat lesbian "Love-Fest" as it is known in Trenton: "Terry Tuchin, Diana Lisa Riccioli, and New Jersey's Agency of Torture" and "An Open Letter to My Torturers in New Jersey, Terry Tuchin and Diana Lisa Riccioli.")
Anthony G. Alterino, "Police Charge Four With Forcing Girls Into Prostitution," The Star-Ledger, October 14, 2016, p. 14. (Edwin A. Bonita, 22, of N.Y. was among those charged -- several women were involved also -- with transporting juveniles to New Jersey for the purposes of prostitution and creating child-porn probably. Men from other parts of the country, routinely, spread throughout New Jersey to foster prostitution among children as young as 5-to-7-years of age in some instances. This level of activity can only be explained by cooperation from dirty cops, prosecutors, and judges.)
Jessica Mazzola, "Two More File Suit Against Ex-Priest," The Star-Ledger, October 14, 2016, p. 15. (Rev. Mitch Walters -- a Bob Menendez supporter -- has now been charged with molesting three children in the eighties and nineties. More charges are expected.)
Kelly Heyboer, "What if Kelly Implicates the Governor On the Stand?," The Star-Ledger, October 17, 2016, p. 1. (Ms. Kelly may implicate Gov. Christie on the witness stand. Everyone else has done so. I believe that Ms. Kelly was following orders which, ultimately, must have come from Christie. Lies?)
"Shameful Silence on Mr. Trump's LIES," (Editorial) The New York Times, October 18, 2016, p. A22. (Mr. Trump's flagrant lies border on delusions. They are "the shameful lies of a shameful liar." Estela De La Cruz? Maria Martinez? Is this man "Arthur Goldberg's" candidate for the presidency? Mr. Christie? Mr. Rabner? Liars, sleazebags, filth like these "gentlemen" and "ladies" are among the first to judge the ethics of others in New Jersey, allegedly, but rarely take a good look at themselves. "New Jersey's Filth, Failures, and Flaws.")
Elizabeth Goitien, "Secret Law is Bad Law," (Op-Ed) The New York Times, October 18, 2016, p. A23. (Secret laws offend the due process clause of the U.S. Constitution. Behind-the-back efforts to target persons denied rights to confrontation, cross examination, transparency are the weapons of totalitarianism. Justice Brandeis said it best: "Secrecy is the enemy of freedom.")
"A Pivotal Moment in the War to Free Iraq From ISIS: Victory in Mosul will be shortlived in the absence of a political process," (Editorial) Financial Times, October 18, 2016, p. 10. (Correct. Best editorial on developments in Iraq. Foreign Office concurs?)
Kate Zernike, "Lawyer For Christie Aide Says She Was Made Scapegoat in Bridge Plot," The New York Times, October 20, 2016, p. A20. (Bridget Anne Kelly was made the scapegoat for a scheme that, clearly and obviously, could only come from the governor and his closest advisers. The goal for Mr. Christie may have been "to put this on" Ms. Kelly as the only woman and weakest member of his inner circle.)
Kate Zernike, "In Bridge Trial, Prosecutors Liken Ex-Christie Aides to Film Villains," The New York Times, October 19, 2016, p. A20. (New Jersey's version of Watergate has featured a cast of characters as unsavory and blind to the moral reality of their actions as the men who served President Nixon during one of the nation's darkest periods. Many of these persons still do not understand what is at issue in this scandal even as the OAE fails to appreciate what their corruption and lies in my matters is doing to the global perception of the state's legal profession, judiciary, and court system. "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics" then "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption.")
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Prosecutor: Baroni Part of Christie Inner Circle," The Star-Ledger, October 19, 2016, p. 1. (Mr. Baroni was a surrogate for Governor Christie to whose office in the governor's mansion all paths lead in this crisis. New Jersey's Chris Christie should have been indicted with the others.)
Alex Napolitano, "Teacher Facing Sex Charges Claims He's Victim of Racial Bias," The Star-Ledger, October 19, 2016, p. 14. (Adrian McConney, 39, charged with a sexual relationship with a young woman who was his high school student at the time of the affair alleges the insistence on a custodial sentence in his matter is due to racism. I am not convinced by this claim and tend to agree with prosecutors that a little time out is needed.)
Mary Ann Spoto, "Police: Woman Used Son, 11, to Shoplift," The Star-Ledger, October 19, 2016, p. 14. (Linda D'Alessio, 42, possibly a lesbian and maybe a sex worker, used her 11-year-old son to shoplift from local establishments. A majority of children prostituted in N.J. are exploited by adults they know, often their own parents.)
Joshua Goldman & Raphael Salter, "Assange's Web Access Cut Off: Ecuador Says Move is Tied to Clinton Leaks," The Record, October 19, 2016, p. A-1. (Probably the same people seeking to prevent me from writing online are hoping to destroy Wikileaks. Allegedly, Mr. Kerry -- at the request of the Clinton campaign -- has requested the silencing of Mr. Assange. This may be unwise since there are instances in which the U.S. welcomes Wikileaks disclosures.)
John Seasly, "Hackensack Plans $3 Million Payment to Zisa: To Cover Lost Wages and Fees for Ex-Chief," The Record, October 19, 2016, p. A-1. (A pay-off to the now convicted former Police Chief of and Municipal Court Judge in Hackensack, Ken Zisa. Is this reward for conviction sending the right message to other corrupt officials in New Jersey?)
Paul Berger, "Baroni Grilled On His Role in Closings: Prosecutor Calls Him Christie's Attack Dog," The Record, October 19, 2016, p. A-1. (Mr. Baroni -- who claimed he was deceived by the "traffic study" canard -- may have developed many of the initial Christie administration lies that were intended to delay the crisis. Mr. Baroni's failure to recognize responsibility befits a member of the bar and former legislator in New Jersey. Mr. Baroni is not facing legal ethics charges at this time.)
Mark Mueller, "Fugitive Preacher Caught in Honduras: Jury Found Man Guilty in 2015 of Molesting a New Jersey Boy," The Star-Ledger, August 22, 2016, p. 1. (Gregory Martinez -- a Bob Menendez supporter -- has been arrested in Danli, Honduras as a fugitive from justice after his conviction for molesting a boy in Hudson County, New Jersey. Evidently, Mr. Martinez did the same in Honduras. Given what would happen to this culprit in a Honduran prison he is lucky to be sent back to Hudson County. )
Bill Gallo, "Couple Found in Dirty Van With Young Son, Drug Paraphenalia," The Star-Ledger, August 22, 2016, p. 5. (It is not surprising to learn that these people would very likely prostitute their child to support a drug habit. They may have found the right state for their lifestyle.)
Ted Sherman & Matt Arco, "Kelly Has Toughest Questions Yet to Face: Federal Prosecutors Will Cross-Examine Ex-Christie Aide Today," The Star-Ledger, October 24, 2016, p. 1. (Ms. Kelly's testimony is convincing on the origins of the bridge plot with Mr. Christie's inner-circle and, probably, this means Mr. Christie himself. It is equally clear, however, that rather than being "horrified" by the events unfolding in Fort Lee, Ms. Kelly relished her little bit of power. Cruelty seems to come easily to most people. Maria Martinez?)
"N.J. Transit Execs Need to Open Up to State Lawmakers," (Editorial) The Star-Ledger, October 24, 2016, p. 6. (Executive Director of N.J. Transit Steve Santoro did not bother to appear before a joint legislative committee in Trenton to answer questions about safety concerns at the railroad. Is this "hearing" a media event Mr. Santoro could afford to ignore? Or are New Jersey officials seriously concerned about what needs to happen at N.J. Transit? The only inference to draw from Mr. Santoro's absence is that these proceedings are a farce to lead voters to believe that "something is being done" about a real danger at N.J. Transit when nothing is happening to deal with the problems.)
Dustin Racioppi, "A Peek Inside Trenton's Political Shop: Bridgegate Testimony Reveals Murky Role of IGA Office," The Record, October 24, 2016, p. A-1. (Like Richard Nixon's "secret cabinet" Mr. Christie's "political shop" -- or closed circle of loyalists in the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs [IGA] that was run by Mr. Stepien -- created a "bunker" for the governor. All the governor's men were, in fact, responsible in different degrees for the Bridgegate fiasco. The parallels to Watergate are striking.)
"Shootings by Police: Let attorney general lead investigations," (Editorial) The Record, October 24, 2016, p. A-9. (Why do people following events in my interesting adventure with New Jersey authorities laugh when they hear New Jersey lawyers speak of "transparency and accountability"? New Jersey police will be protected and the truth will be concealed when African-Americans and others are shot by cops under mysterious circumstances. Mr. Porrino says: "We're stronger than the storm.")
Kate Zernike, "Christie Aide Says She Thought Lane Closings Were a Traffic Study," The New York Times, October 22, 2016, p. A16. ("Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee." Bridget Anne Kelly.)
Patrick McGeehan, "N.J. Transit Chief a No Show at a Legislative Hearing on Safety," The New York Times, October 22, 2016, p. A18. (Steven Santoro was a no-show to answer questions about N.J. Transit's safety precautions. Perhaps Mr. Santoro's N.J. Transit train was slow, delayed, or simply broke down on the way to Trenton preventing him from getting to the hearing on time.)
Vivian Yee, William K. Rashbaum, & Arielle Dollinger, [Jenifer Shuessler,] "Nassau County Executive, His Wife [sic.] and a Town Supervisor Are Indicted," The New York Times, October 21, 2016, p. A21. (Edward P. Mangano is "connected" in New Jersey and New York. Mr. Mangano and others were trading government contracts for little "gifts" for themselves and their friends. It has been suggested that Mr. Mangano should move to New Jersey.)
Mark Mueller, "Ex-Pastor Who Fled Child Sex Conviction Back in the U.S.," The Star-Ledger, August 23, 2016, p. 3. (Gregorio Martinez is back in the U.S. After a conviction for molesting a 13-year-old boy in Hudson County, New Jersey, Mr. Martinez molested a 14-year-old boy in Honduras. Does Mr. Martinez continue to support Senator Menendez? "I love America!" Mr. Martinez said.)
Kelly Heyboer, "N.J. Schools Among the Most 'Gay Friendly,'" The Star-Ledger, August 23, 2016, p. 3. (With sharpening decline in academic standards -- together with corruption and mounting arrests of teachers and others for molestation -- New Jersey's schools may at least take pride in welcoming gay and multi-gendered "others." I am sure that Mr. Christie is delighted by this celebration of alternative sexual lifestyles among New Jersey's children even as state schools fail academically. "Why Jane can't read" and Humanity and Humanities in Decline.")
Sara Jerde, "School's Sex Abuse Suit Settled for $1.9 Million: 21 men whose accusations against Bergen Catholic staff date to '63 will share award," The Star-Ledger, August 23, 2016, p. 15. (Bergen County and Church officials covered-up and lied about KNOWN child abuse committed at Bergen Catholic over decades to protect insiders. OAE? Finally, justice is being done after 40 years of pointless suffering for many innocent people. "That's Jersey for ya!" Shame on you, Mr. Rabner.)
Kate Zernike, "Ex-Aide Testifies Christie Had 'Memory Issue' About Bridge Lane Closings," The New York Times, October 25, 2016, p. A23. (When Mr. Christie -- who was given to throwing objects at assistants if he was upset -- asked about Bidgegate "he already knew [because] she [Ms. Kelly] had already told him about the closings, which had been sold to her as a traffic study, before they began in September, Mrs. Kelly said, and [Christie was told] at least twice during the week they were taking place.")
Erica Goode, "Why Big Liars Often Start as Small Ones," The New York Times, October 25, 2016, p. A19. (Perhaps Mr. Christie's selective memory results from his brain's being desensitized to dishonesty. Apparently, the trouble often begins with persons using fictitious names that allow them to escape all responsibility for their statements. "Manohla Dargis Strikes Again!")
John Hurdle & Richard Perez-Pena, "Ex-Pennsylvania Attorney General Is Sentenced to Prison in Perjury Case," The New York Times, October 25, 2016, p. A12. (Kathleen G. Kane, former Pennsylvania Attorney General and, allegedly, an honorary member of Trenton's so-called "Lesbian Love-Fest," was sentenced to 10 to 23 months in prison for perjury and obstruction of justice. "John McGill, Esq., the OAE, and New Jersey Corruption" and "On Bullshit.")
Charles Stile, "Kelly Feared She Was Being Set Up, [sic.]" The Record, October 25, 2016, p. A-1. (Christie shouted at his people to bring the "truth" about the GWB crisis to his attorney even as he had yelled at them to create the crisis in question a few weeks earlier.)
Kathleen Canestrino, "Zisa Machine Still Hurting Hackensack," The Record, (Letter to the Editor) October 25, 2016, p. A-9. (" ... Zisa has filed a formal tort claim notice to sue the city and indirectly taxpayers for $30 million more in damages for his mental anguish, among other things. [emphasis added] That would be a total of $33 million for the ex-chief. Mayor John Labrosse called that pure greed and contempt for taxpayers, and I completely agree." Here is the crucial point: "In 2013 our new administration broke the stranglehold that the Zisa family held on Hackensack for decades. Since then we have closed a huge budget gap and delivered the first city tax rate cut in 10 years. It's a shame that the legacy of the Zisa political machine still looms over the taxpayers." Compare "More Mafia Arrests in New Jersey and Anne Milgram is Clueless" with "The Zisa Family Goes to the Mattresses.")
Allison Pries, "Firebombing Defendant Told Details of Spree: Jury Sees Interrogation Video," The Record, October 25, 2016, p. L-1. (Aakash Dalal, 24, and Anthony Graziano, 24, terrorized North Jersey's Jewish community. Similar incidents over the past several months and years have been chronicled in Union and Hudson Counties as well as elsewhere in New Jersey. There will probably be more such incidents during the forthcoming holidays partly, I believe, because of the frustration and anger seen in Donald J. Trump's rallies generated by the Republican candidate's irresponsible rhetoric.)
Claude Brodesser-Akner, "Weinberg Demands Law Firm Refund $8 Million Fee for GWB Probe," The Star-Ledger, October 25, 2016, p. 1. (Senate Majority Leader and alleged "Queen of the Lesbian Love-Fest," Loretta Weinberg, Esq., said that "the law firm hired by Gov. Chris Christie to conduct a state-financed investigation [or to represent the governor?] of the scandal over the lane closings at the George Washington Bridge should refund $7.8 million to New Jersey taxpayers." Failure to refund such illicit fees resulting from a conflict of interest is tantamount to theft and should be grounds for disbarment even if the OAE is bribed or intimidated to look the other way. Mr. Christie should pay his own legal fees. Ms. Weinberg should refrain from having sex with women who are unconscious and half her age. "Marilyn Straus Was Right!" and "New Jersey Lesbian Professor Rapes a Disabled Man" then "Christie and Mastro Accuse each Other of Lying.")
Sara Jerde, "Bergen Catholic: 8 More Claim Abuse at School," The Star-Ledger, October 21, 2016, p. 7. ("Eight more former Bergen Catholic High School students have come forward to accuse former staff members at the school of sexual abuse." Cover-ups, as with the ongoing N.J. boy scout sex scandal, involving prominent N.J. officials, allegedly, have OBSTRUCTED prosecutions and lawsuits for years with the goal of protecting influential persons. OAE? "Have you no shame Mr. Rabner?" then "New Jersey's 'Ethical' Legal System" and "New Jersey's Office of Attorney Ethics.")
Justin Zaremba, "Ex-Teacher Pleads Guilty to Sex Charges," The Star-ledger, October 21, 2016, p. 18. (Donna D. Pierce-Faley, 30, pleaded guilty to sex with a student despite alleged lesbian affiliations. "New Jersey Lesbian Sends Nude Photos to Minor" and "Diana's Friend Goes to Prison.")
Ted Mann, Erica Orden, & Corina Ramey, "Cuomo, Christie Talked as Bridge Scandal Unfolded," The Wall Street Journal, October 21, 2016, p. 1. (New York's Governor Cuomo was pressing for a resolution and the truth about the bridge crisis as well as supporting Mr. Foye, the true hero in Bidgegate, and not helping Christie lie about a cover-up of the true motive for the traffic jam.)
Kate Zernike, "Prosecutors Use Texts to Portray Former Aide as an Eager Warrior for Christie," The New York Times, October 26, 2016, p. A27. ("A defendant testifies she was petrified by a micromanaging, volatile governor." Ms. Kelly seemed to delight in tormenting N.J. commuters until it became clear that she was being "set-up" to take the fall for this nightmare. John McGill? Mr. McGill is certainly no master mind in this matter.)
Dustin Racioppi, "Feds Put Kelly's Testimony Under Fire: Question Her Role, Motive in Traffic Jam," The Record, October 26, 2016, p. A-1. (Ms. Kelly has lost her status as the innocent ingenue led astray by Mr. Christie in the GWB melodrama. Ms. Kelly approved of the traffic jam until the headlines "hit the fan" as it were.)
Thomas Moriarty, "Ex-Watershed Gets 6 Months in Scheme," The Star-Ledger, October 26, 2016, p. 4. ("Giacomo 'Jack' De Rosa,' 68, pleaded guilty in January in U.S. District Court to a charge of laundering $85,000 in payments from the Watershed [Commission] between 2008 and 2013." Allegations of "cuts" to Stuart Rabner and Bob Menendez cannot be confirmed. Nothing surprises me in New Jersey.)
Thomas Moriarty, "Former Professor Ordered to Pay $4 Million for Sexual Assault," The Star-Ledger, October 26, 2016, p. 7. (Anne Stubblefield was found guilty of two counts of aggravated sexual assault of a handicapped man whose family was awarded $4 million by an Essex County judge." Please see: "New Jersey Lesbian Professor Rapes a Disabled Man" and "American Psychologists' and Psychology's Acceptance of Torture.")
Thomas Moriarty, "Man Gets 6 Years for Embezzling $1 Million," The Star-Ledger, October 26, 2016, p. 16. (Alleged former distinguished member of the New Jersey Bar Association Miye Chan, 36, stole more than $1 million from customer accounts. The OAE and Mr. Ziff will not be overly troubled by such incidents because they seem to be obsessed about having been humiliated in debates against me. "Why I am not an ethical relativist" and "John Finnis and Ethical Cognitivism.")
Anthony G. Alterino, "Frat House Gang Rape Alleged by Ex-Ramapo Student," The Star-Ledger, October 26, 2016, p. 13. ("A woman who attended Ramapo College two years ago claims she was lulled into a frat house and raped by members of the fraternity and other students, according to a federal law suit filed in U.S. District Court." Congratulations on opting out of the New Jersey legal system which is an utterly failed court system according to international experts. For women to abuse, exploit, even rape, a vulnerable young woman is especially disgraceful and unforgivable. How can you live with yourselves? Ms. De La Cruz? Ms. Riccioli? Ms. Weinberg? "Marilyn Straus Was Right!" and "Trenton's Nasty Lesbian Love-Fest" then "The F.B.I. Wants Assata Shakur.")
Ben Horowitz, "Court: School Had Duty to Report Alleged Abuse -- Former Teacher Accused of Touching His Students," The Star-Ledger, October 26, 2016, p. 11. (Montville schools and Board of Education -- like the OAE -- engaged in a cover-up and LIED about sexual abuse of vulnerable students, minors and persons rendered helpless, or unable to consent, by Mr. Fennes. Will they ever learn to tell the truth in New Jersey? "No More Cover-Ups and Lies Chief Justice Rabner!" and "Deborah T. Poritz and Conduct Unbecoming to the Judiciary in New Jersey.")